
Can Am Spyder


In early 2018, the ministry of public security issued a new GB7258 decree, in which two wheels on the front of one wheel on the rear of an inverted three-wheel motorcycle were incorporated into the range of legal exports and licensing. Can Am Spyder can finally be legally imported into China and can legally obtain a motorcycle licence.

第一批车于4月初到达上海港, 同时我们安排了后续的货陆续进口到中国。

So we started !
The first batch of Can Am Spyder arrived at the port of Shanghai in early April, and we arranged the follow-up import and sales to China in the meantime.

上牌车型: “庞巴迪1330正三轮摩托车”

General situation of Can Am Spyder 's license application(except for some cities that do not allow motorcycle license plates) : Beijing: you can only apply for "Beijing B" license plate. Other cities have no restrictions on motorcycle license plates
The licensing models: "bombardier 1330 tricycle motorcycle"

Sport Cruising F3运动

Cruiser Touring F3巡航

Touring RT旅行

庞巴迪(Bombardier)是一家总部位于加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔的国际性交通运输设备制造商。行业排名世界第一。主要产品有支线飞机、公务喷气飞机、铁路及高速铁路机车、及其大众娱乐车辆,船舶... Can Am Spider蜘蛛侠 是庞巴迪唯一生产的摩托车.

About Bombardier:
Bombardier is an international transportation equipment maker based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The industry ranks first in the world. The Main products includes regional aircraft, business jet aircraft, railway and high-speed railway locomotive, and its mass entertainment vehicles, ships...
Can Am spider-man is bombardier's only production motorcycle.